Data Binding is a way to bind an element with other element. For example, we have one rectangle and one listbox which contains a list of color. When we select an item in our listbox, the rectangle's color will automatically change ! Amazing right?? No need for a lot of code..
Now we will make what i have just described above. I will use Visual Studio 2008.
Before i start, i will assume that you already know about WPF.
Okay, now let's start working.
Create a new project, and select WPF.Then drag a listbox and an rectangle in your grid.

change the listbox's name into "listColor" and rectangle's name into "rect" in their properties.
then in listbox's properties click on the items collections

then click Add button to add an item to your list, and change the content in the properties to the name of your desired color like "Yellow".I will add 4 items here, it's up to you how many colors you wanna add, just make sure you add more than 1 color, so we can test the binding element with the rectangle.

Now your listbox will contains the name of the color you have added before.

Inside the Rectangle tag, add this
Fill="{Binding ElementName=listColor, Path=SelectedItem.Content}"
your XAML should be like this now

Then, run your application and try to select all items in your list. The rectangle's color should change in accordance with the selected item in the listbox.
That's easy right
I hope this tutorial can help you.
keep posting :)
BalasHapuswah gan salam kenal yak..
BalasHapuswah jago nih nya..
aku mw donk share2 ilmu dan nanya2 seputar data warehouse,,hehehe
oh iya slam kenal ya, thanks udah maen k blog gw. Jawaban pertanyaan udah di upload dsana, semoga bermanfaat.
ijin follow ya gan.
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